
Showing posts from July 28, 2017

Make your very own mini wheel of fashion

Are you bored? Do you love fashion? Well his is really fun DIY that is a game you can play alone or with a friend! If you watch the wheel of fashion on seventeen or awsomenesstv you know that the challenge is to spin the wheel of fashion and witch ever item it lands on the challengers have to build a outfit around in one minute! Well the wheel of fashion we will be making is not nearly as big as the wheel of fashion in fact its CD sized! You spin it like a top and whatever item your finger lands on is the item to build the outfit around! Enough talking! Lets get into it! What you will need- 1. one old cd 2. paper and tape (or sticky paper) 3. markers/colored pencils 4. Two bottle caps 5. Glue Step One- Cover your cd in paper and mark the middle where the top bottle cap will be put Step Two- make your catagories Step Three- glue on the bottle caps Step four- color, spin and enjoy! I hope you enjoy making your own wheel of fashion! Love, - Captain Couture