5 False Lashes for Under 5$

Hello everyone! My name is Greta, and today I am going to be showing you 5 false lashes for under five dollars. I have done another one of these, about nude lipsticks, and I am thinking I might make this a series on my blog, comment down below if you would like that. I love false lashes, so yeah, lets get started! 1. Wet n Wild in "Shutter Shock" 99 cents! 2. Wet n Wild in "Shredding the fringe" 99 cents! 3. Elf in "Winged and Polished" 4.00$ 4. BH Cosmetics in "N 101" 5. AOA Lashes in "Lauren" Well thats all for now, I really hope you all enjoyed reading! Remember I love you no matter what and also, another one of my friends started a blog about some really random stuff, and its: https://afewirrelevantthings.blogspot.com/ So I hope you check him out! - Greta