What's In My Purse?

Hi everyone! My name is Greta and today I thought it would be fun to do an article that was a little different, so today I am going to tell you all what I keep in my purse! So please follow my blog and comment down below what you keep in your bag and let's jus get started! 1. I have to have whatever lip shade I am wearing that day in my purse 2. Floss sticks cause I always get stuff stuck in my teeth 3. A spare lipgloss in case of an emergency 4. A compact mirror, just because 5. My wallet includes my money, student id, and stuff like that 6. My phone, because um.... I mean, I kinda need my phone 7. A granola bar or some kind of bar just in case I get hungry 8. Sunglasses, for when it's sunny 9. If I have room I will always keep an umbrella with me just in case 10. Hair ties And that's what's in my purse! I hope you all enjoyed reading! I love you all very much no matter your race, gender, sexuality, or anything else! - Greta