
Showing posts from November 1, 2017

The Best Trends of 2017

Hello angel eyes! Its me! Now that halloween is over we can go back to regular blog posts. So there are a ton of fashion trends that I do not like, but here are some 2017 trends I really like. SO enjoy! (also don't forget to comment below, telling me what you want to see next and subscribe to my blog!) 1. Sparkly Booties 2.  Vintage Looking Faux Fur 3.  Retro Hats 4. Fishnet Body Suits 5.  Chocolate Brown 6.  Wide Belts 7.  Formal Velvets 8.  Vintage Frills 9. Belted Coats 10.  Fringe 11.  Pajamas During the Day 12.  Sequin Dresses Thanks for reading, sorry that was so short. Love you! - Captain Couture