Makeup Products I Wanna Try from Tarte

Hey everyone! My name is Greta and Tarte is my third favorite makeup brand as far as high end stuff goes, so today I thought I would show you some stuff that I would like to try from Tarte! I am not in any way trying to be greedy, I just would love to try these products so yeah! Comment below a product you wanna try from Tarte and follow my blog! Now let's get started! 1. The Tarte shape tape concealer: So many people have told me how much they love this and I really wanna try it. It's full coverage, and it smells really good, that sounds weird, but I smelled it in ulta! BTW the Tarte shape tape is not available in Sephora, it's only in ulta. So Yeah! If I suddenly win the lottery, I am donating half of my money to charity and then I'll go to ulta and buy all of too faced, all of Anastasia Beverly Hills, and as much as possible of Tarte! Including this concealer! 2. Amazonian clay foundation: A lot of beauty youtubers I watch love this foundation and I really li...