Review: My Life As Eva's Book

Hello my lovely people! Its Greta! Happy Sunday! So, normally on this blog I do fashion and beauty related things, but today I am doing something different! As you probably know, I am a huge fan of Mylifeaseva (aka Eva Gutowski), and she came out with a book! I got it a few days ago and I have already read it 4 times! Its such a good book! So today I am going to be ranting about it. A lot of the book is about fashion and beauty, so it kinda relates to my blog! Enjoy! Here are some things I love about this book: 1. The pictures are bright, fun and colorful, which makes me want to keep reading. 2. In the book, Eva writes many awkward and funny stories about a younger Eva. 3. It shares real opinions about body image, clothes and makeup. Eva made sure she told everyone who read her book that they are beautiful no matter what! And I believe that statement completely. 4. She shows tips, and things she wishes she would have known, when she was a teenager. ...