How To Stay Motivated for School ♡
Hey everyone! My name is Greta and winter break is over (sadly) so today I am going to be talking about how to stay motivated about going to school every day, even after the break! Please do me a huge favor and comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram @afabulousstyle and lets get right into this weeks article! 1. Make a mood board! I love making my mood board and just looking at it every day. I personally use a cork board with tacks so I can rearrange my mood board any time, but you can use whatever you want! I like to fill mine up with images of my goals for the remander of the school year! Here are some examples: 2. Organize and decorate your planner! I don't know about you but I personally always feel super motivated and organized when everything is written down in my planner and my planner is all cute! So use stickers, highlighters, markers, whatever you want! 3. Get your room clean, your trash taken out and your laundry done, basically the c...