Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe

Hey guys! My name is Greta and today we are going to be talking about my favorite smoothie recipe ever, which is my strawberry banana smoothie recipe! So please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram @the_darling_dearest and lets get right into it! This serves one person btw! Ingredients: 15 strawberries 1/2 banana A dash of milk 1 teaspoon of honey STEP ONE: cut strawberries into small peices after washing them and put them in the blender STEP TWO: cut 1/2 banana and put in the blender STEP THREE: add milk and honey to the blender STEP FOUR: blend until smooth And thats all for now! Please comment down below, follow my blog and remember I love you all so much no matter your race, gender, sex, sexuality, or anything else! - Greta