Summer Essentials
Hello everyone! So its summer, and that means that I am going to do a blog article about summer essentials, I am going to breaking this into three different categories; Fashion, Beauty and Skincare, + Haircare. I don't want to make this intro too long so lets get going! Comment down below your summer essentials and follow my blog and lets go! Fashion a. a good pair of sunglasses: Sunglasses make any outfit look super cool and summery b. a good sunhat: Keeps the sun out of your face, and is super cute. I have this adorable white one that has really colorful tassles which I adore c. a nice crop top: I like wearing crop tops with high waisted stuff. This is not essential for everyone, but I love this! d. some high waisted denim shorts: They don't have to be high waisted, I just like high waisted stuff the most! e. a colorful statement necklace: These can be paired with anything simple and they can add a lot of flair to any outfit! Beauty 1. a bright pink lipstick: T...