My Everyday Makeup Routine
Hello my angels! Its Greta, hello. And today we are going to be talking about my everyday makeup routine. Now, in case you are new to my blog, you should know that I love makeup, it makes me feel my best and makes me feel super confident and I just love it. Its something that I really love and I spend some of my money on! But also, I am not a professional makeup artist, and even though I love makeup so much, I am not very good at applying it. ANYWAYS! Back to the point! I just wanted to show you the makeup I put on my face on an everyday basis! Most of these products are cheap or home made but I have one expensive makeup product I use everyday. Keep reading to find out what it is. Comment below your daily makeup routine, but remember not to use your name, and I hope you all enjoy reading, lets get started! (Just so you know, I am going to be uploading two times today because even though I don't post on tuesdays, I let an article slide and I wanted to, so yeah!) Okay, so I alwa...