Makeup Surgery: How fix a Broken Compact or Single Eyeshadow

Hello everyone and welcome to the second episode of "makeup surgery" where I teach you how to repair broken makeup and become an unprofessional professional makeup surgeon. Broken makeup sucks, but it doesn't have to be that way! You can fix it using a few simple tools! So lets get started! But before we do, make sure to comment down below your favorite makeup product you have right now, or even that you have ever tried! I hope you enjoy reading! What You'll Need: Your broken compact or single eyeshadow (You won't die in vain compact or eyeshadow) Rubbing Alcohol A Bottle Cap A Napkin/Tissue Step One: Smash all of the pigments in the compact/single eyeshadow Step Two: Pour in rubbing alcohol until its a creamy texture Step Three: Take paper napkin and a bottle cap and flatten out the mixture Step Four: Wait until all rubbing alcohol has evaporated Step Five: Swatch to make sure its safe Step Six: Enjoy!!!!!!! Well thats all for now! I h...