What I got for My Birthday

Hello my angels! So, disclaimer. This is not including presents from family, but it does include stuff my from my close friends who came to my birthday party. I love all of my close friends, and I know that birthdays are not about just presents, but I had an amazing time with my friends at my party, which was a week ago. Now that thats outta the way, hi my name is Greta! And I am obsessed with anything fashion or beauty related. If you have read my blog before, you know that. Anyways, please comment down below when your birthday is, and follow my blog! Love you all so much, now lets get started. Ps- This is in no particular order Makeup Organizer. My Best friend got me this amazing pink clear makeup organizer. It has multiple ayers of drawers and places to hold palettes, brushes, and lipsticks and mascaras. Its super nice and is super helpful for organizing my everyday makeup. Makeup Brushes. This is from that same friend, my best friend, who knows me too well for word...