
Showing posts from August 12, 2019

Struggles of Being A Blogger

Hey everyone! My name is Greta and usually I like to keep things positive on here but today we are going to be addressing some of the struggles of being a blogger because it can be hard sometimes, especially when you are enrolled in school still. So please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram  @afabulousstyle , and lets get started! 1. Whenever people from school find out about your blog they feel the need to pull it up and look at my old articles and laugh at them in front of me. Or worse they mention it to teachers and then they pull it up on the projector and then you are just completely humiliated. 2. Its hard to upload articles 2 times a week when you have homework every single day! So I often find myself spending my entire weekend writing articles because I just don't have time on the week days cause of school! 3. Being a good blogger requires unique style, but sometimes people look at you funny when you wear what you want. I dress up every day...

Back To School Lunch Ideas

Hello everyone! My name is Greta and today we are going to be doing something a little different then I normally do, we are going to be talking about food. More spacifically, what to pack in your lunch for back to school. So please comment down below, follow my blog, follow my tik tok @preppylifehacks, follow me on instagram @afabulousstyle, and lets get started! Cucumber Sandwhich: (I know it kinda sounds gross but I swear its amazing) What You'll Need: a. Cucumbers b. Cream Cheese c. Bread (whole wheat is best but any kind works) Steps: 1. Spread Cream cheese thinly on one peice of bread. 2. Slice up cucumbers into thin slices. 3. Apply cucumber slices onto the cream cheese. 4. Repeat on other peice of bread. 5. Put the two into a sandwhich 6. Cut off the crusts (optional) Cranberry Walnut Salad: What You'll Need: a. Cranberries b. Walnuts c. Lettuce or Spinach d. Dressing of your choice Steps: 1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl 2. Put dressing in...