Chanel Crafters: DIY Primer Mist and Setting Spray

Hey my angels! So, I once mentioned that I made my own DIY Primer Mist and Setting Spray, and sense then I have gotten so many comments telling me to show you how to make it yourself, and I was going to post this on Sunday, but then I got a new eyeshadow palette that I was super excited about so I decided to wait until Wednesday. Anyways, I really hope you all enjoy reading! Comment down below whether your going to make this or not and/or what other articles you want to see from me! Remember never to use your name though! Lets get started! What You'll Need: Aloe Vera Gel Water Empty Spray Bottle Step One: Disinfect the spray bottle Step Two: Fill the spray bottle with 3/4 water Step Three: Pour in 1 spoonful of aloe vera gel Step Four: Shake Step Five: Spray and enjoy! Hey guys, thats all for now, sorry that was such a short article. Please follow my blog if you have not done so yet and comment down below! Remember that its a Fabulous World, and your a fab...