3 Outfit Ideas for New Years

Hello my angels! Before we start I have some amazing news! Until further notice I will be posting every single Wednesday and Sunday! Twice a week! Anyways, now that the christmas season is over, and its almost 2018, I am going to be showing you three outfit ideas for new years! And be prepared, sparkles are extremely popular during new years, and I already love sparkles! Well, I hope you enjoy reading! Outfit Idea #1: This is most likely my favorite out of the three, so why not put it out there first! You can find basic matching sets like these in many stores, and a sparkly one is the best for new years! Pair that with some basic black heels and a metallic looking purse and necklace and BOOM! Instant glam! This is an outfit I would wear on new years! And I actually might wear an outfit like this on new years! Outfit Idea #2: This one is a little more toned down, so its just a super cute velvet romper or dress and some sparkly heels, its super cute and super fun! Outfit Idea #...