Middle School Makeup Kit 💄

Hello everyone! My name is Greta and today I am going to be talking about a middle school makeup kit! Now, I have done makeup starter kits, I have done middle school makeup tutorials, but today I wanted to mix it up and do a middle school makeup kit! I am not saying you need to wear all this every day, but I do think that if you want to wear makeup in middle school, this is what you should think about getting! So please follow my blog and comment down below your makeup kit for middle school! Let’s get started! The first thing you should have in your middle school makeup kit is a bb or cc cream. These are nice because they are light enough coverage so that you can still see your freckles and stuff, but full enough coverage that it covers just enough! The drugstore options I would recommend are the nyx bb cream, the pacifica cc cream, and the burt's bees bb cream. If you want to go a little more high end then I would recommend the tarte bb cream. The next thing I would reco...