Fall Style/Beauty Essentials

Hello everyone! My name is Greta and today I am going to be sharing with you my style and beauty essentials for fall because fall is coming and I am so excited! Anyways, please comment down below whether you like pumpkin spice lattes or not because I personally love the idea of them, but totally hate the taste. Follow my blog and lets get started! First I am going to talk about... Style: 1. The first style essential is a flannel. This is an obvious one, but they can pretty much be paired with anything during the fall time. You can tie it around your waist, wear it as a normal flannel, wear it with the collar sticking out of a sweater, there are so many ways to style a flannel and they are so neccisary for fall! 2. Hats. All the hats. Beenies are super cute and casual, floppy hats are always stylish. I LOVE HATS IN FALL. I have a beenie with a bow on it that I love wearing with a casual fall outfit and I have a really cute floppy hat that I love wearing with a basic dress and...