Whats in my Backpack (April 2018)

Hello my angels! So, school is still a thing. And you know what makes me mad? When YouTubers and Bloggers stop making school related stuff after back to school season! Especially because I go back to school later then most people, and back to school season stope even before I go back to school and its just annoying! So today I am doing a very different kind of article, but I asked in my last post and ya'll said you wanted to see a whats in my backpack article. Even though its spring, I'm still in school, and I still have to bring my backpack. Let me know down in the comments below if you want to see more posts like this and remember to keep your name secret! I love you all very much and I hope you enjoy! Binders: I have two binders. One is a binder that you can carry around and it has fabric and stuff, kind like this, and that has my science notebook and folder, my math notebook and folder, my math textbook, my humanities notebook, my planner, and a pen, pencil and sicky n...