OOTW: First Week of School

Hello everyone! My name is Greta and today I am going to be showing you all what I am going to wear for the first week of school. I only have four days in the first week of school because we start on Tuesday cause Monday is labor day. Anyways, these outfits pretty much describe my glam preppy girly chic style. So, please comment down below what your wearing on the first day of school and follow my blog! BTW, after I start school I am not going to be posting three times a week, I will go back to Wednesday and Sunday! Lets go! So, on the first day of school I am going to be wearing a plain grey tee shirt from the thrift store, a floral skirt from forever 21 (which is so super cute), plain white socks from somewhere... Idk where and my favorite floral sneakers that were hand me downs (I'm the youngest out of all my female cousins so I get lots of super cute clothes from my cousins). I am finishing off the look with my favorite nacklace ever, the necklace that Amber Scholl designe...