Honest Review: Too Faced Natural Eyes Eyeshadow Palette

Hey everyone! I am so excited for you guys to read this because I LOVE THE PROUCT I JUST BOUGHT! I was at TJmaxx, when I saw it. The Too Faced Natural Eyeshadow Palette. For half of the price. So I bought it, came home and now I am reviewing it for you all. So I hope you enjoy reading! Comment down below what your favorite high end makeup brand is, or if you have never tried any high end stuff, what high end makeup brand you want to try. Remember not to use your name though! I love you, and lets get started! So, I love Too Faced, so when I saw the eyeshadow palette, I was like OMGGG!!!!! I was super excited. Anyways, on to the review. It comes with the eyeshadow palette, a guide of how to put the eyeshadow on your eyelids, and some super cute packeging. As you can see from the picture, the one I got has a really cool lacey design, which I love, so as far as aperence, A++++! As soon as I got home, I swatched all the colors and they are super pigmented. Some of them are sparkly and ...