Thoughts I have While Putting on Makeup

Hello everyone! My name is Greta, in case your new to my blog, but if you are a frequent reader, you already know that. Anyways, I love love love makeup, a lot. Makeup is my way of expression, my voice, and one of my passions. ANYWAYS, I can sometimes have some really odd and random thoughts when I am putting on makeup, so today I thought I would tell you a few of them. Please please please follow my blog and comment down below some of your thoughts while putting on makeup! (PS please don't judge me on my thoughts) Yes. My favorite part of the day, putting on the masterpiece. Okay, oh yeah, its makeup time, time to glow, time to shine, and now, time to moisturize. Is primer really necicicary? Or do we live in a world of lives? Maybe the market peoples just want to sell more products? Do I really need primer? YOU CANT MAKE ME USE THIS! Okay, fine, I'll prime. Geez. Foundation, what is the point of foundation? Without foundation does your face fall apart? Oh, crap, thi...