A Spring Fashion Guide

Hello my angels! Today I am going to be showing you a guide to spring fashion. Now, my blog started as a fashion blog, and then it grew into more of a beauty blog and now I am bringing it back to the roots and doing another fashion article. BTW no I am not going to stop talking about makeup, I am just going to be evening out the whole blog between fashion and beauty. ANYWAYS, were getting side tracked. In this guide, I will be including some must have items for spring fashion and a look book as well! I really hope you all enjoy reading! Comment down below the first word that comes to your head, and make sure not to use your name! Follow my blog (please) if you have not done so yet, and yeah, lets get into it! Must Have Items 1. Flower Crowns: This is very important because especially during spring, flower crowns can make any outfit super festive and cute, which is very helpful. 2. Floral Skirts: I have a few floral skirts and they are super fun and useful to have in the spring tim...