How To Get Rid of Dandruff: My Experience
So..... Yeah. Some people are going to find this topic gross, but to you I say, sorry, but people go through this. Hi everyone! My name is Greta, and I am a fashion and beauty blogger. Anyways, today I thought I would show you all how to get rid of dandruff. I had dandruff, but after I learned how to deal with it, it was easy to take care of! So If you have a dandruff covered scalp, keep reading! Comment down below whether you think this is something gross that I should never talk about on my blog ever again, or if you think its bearable. So lets get started!

The first tip I have is literally so obvious, but it really helps, and its just dandruff shampoo. It helps exfoliate the scalp and gets rid of dandruff! Says right in the name, if you have dandruff, try it. Its helpful, I know its obvi, but roll with me here.
Tea Tree Oil can help with flakey scalps covered in dandruff, so why not try some? Tea tree oil is hard on my skin so I do not use it very much, but it really helps with dry and flakey hair.
I have told you all before you can mix apple cider vinager and water to get toner right, well actually, apple cider vinager works for getting rid of dandruff too! White vinager can also work.
Those were my tips. I have really dry skin all around so it was pretty tough to get rid of the dandruff that seemed to always be everywhere. HOWEVER... Its also not a good think to have an overly oily scalp, so keep that in mind! Please remember I love you no matter what your gender, sexuality, race, religion, or anything else! Stay loving, cause its a fabulous world!
- Greta

The first tip I have is literally so obvious, but it really helps, and its just dandruff shampoo. It helps exfoliate the scalp and gets rid of dandruff! Says right in the name, if you have dandruff, try it. Its helpful, I know its obvi, but roll with me here.
Tea Tree Oil can help with flakey scalps covered in dandruff, so why not try some? Tea tree oil is hard on my skin so I do not use it very much, but it really helps with dry and flakey hair.
I have told you all before you can mix apple cider vinager and water to get toner right, well actually, apple cider vinager works for getting rid of dandruff too! White vinager can also work.
Those were my tips. I have really dry skin all around so it was pretty tough to get rid of the dandruff that seemed to always be everywhere. HOWEVER... Its also not a good think to have an overly oily scalp, so keep that in mind! Please remember I love you no matter what your gender, sexuality, race, religion, or anything else! Stay loving, cause its a fabulous world!
- Greta
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