Chanel Crafters: DIY Pom Pom Christmas Sweater

Hello everyone! My name is Greta and today I am going to be telling you all how to make your very own pom pom christmas sweater because christmas sweaters are so much fun! So please comment down below any christmas blog post ideas you have for me and follow my blog and lets get into it! Also sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was really busy with homework! What You'll Need: 1. A plain sweater 2. A hot glue gun 3. A stapler 4. Felt 5. Pom poms Step one: take a felt sheet and cut out the shape of a christmas tree, star and trunk included Step two: Begin gluing the pom poms on in the shape of a christmas tree Step three: Once all the pom poms are in place, staple the felt peice with all the pom poms on it carefully to the sweater! The reason we are stapling this on is so that we can remove it to wash the sweater. Step four: Put a line of hot glue on the back of all the staples so they won't scratch you. Make sure you just keep it on the staple and not on the fa...