
Showing posts from August 9, 2019

Back To School Beauty Hacks

Hello my preppy angels! Welcome back to the Prepster where I post weekly content about the preppy lifestyle and style! Right now is back to school season, which means back to school articles are back! So today we are going to be talking about some back to school beauty life hacks (even though how you look isn't the most important thing in high school)! Please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram @afabulousstyle and tik tok @preppylifehacks, and lets get started! 1. If your running late in the morning, BB cream or CC cream is the best option because it replaces your whole foundation routine and some of yoour skincare routine! If you don't have any you can make your own (I have a DIY on my blog, just search for bb cream and it should pop up). 2. If you can't find your blush in the morning just use your pink lipstick. Plus if you wear it as a blush and as a lipstick it will give your face a put together unified kinda look! 3. After your foundatio...