10 Hacks for School Dances

Hello everyone! My name is Greta and today I am going to be telling you all some life hacks for school dances, because I have a dance on the night of October 26th, its halloween themed, and I thought that I would tell you all my tips and tricks! This is for anyone but especially for middle schoolers who have not been to a school dance before. I am thinking of a few people from my school who have never been to a school dance before and um, yeah, I was really nervous before my first school dance, so I want you all to be feeling confident. So please follow my blog and comment down below your best school dance memory! 1. Okay so the first hack I have for school dances is; you do not need to spend large amounts of money on a dress, I like either just going to a thrift store and finding something cute, or just going shopping in my own closet for dresses! You'd be suprised how many cute options you can find. 2. The second tip I have for school dances is, wear waterproof mascara. A ...