
Showing posts from December 14, 2019

Chanel Crafters: Christmas Sweaters: Blogmas Day 14

Hey everyone! Greta! And today I am going to be showing you how to make your own tacky christmas sweater! Now this may be the simplest DIY project ever, but "ugly" or "tacky" christmas sweaters have been a huge trend for the past few years, and while I don't want to make anything TOO tacky, it is fun anyways! So I am going to be showing you how to make a tacky one and a cute one! So I hope you enjoy! (PS: follow me on instagram  @afabulousstyle  ) Cute What you'll need: Felt A Plain sweater Hot glue Some pearls or rinestones  Step one: Cut out a snow flake out of felt Step two: hot glue it to your sweater Step three: add rinestones and pearls (just for fun) Enjoy! Tacky What you'll need: A plain sweater felt ribbon christmas bows whatever else you want on your sweater hot glue  Step one: take your sweater and glue a bunch of stuff to it in any random patterns you would like! There are no restrictions here!  Step two: ...

How To Wrap Christmas Gifts: Blogmas Day 13

Hey angels! My name is Greta and today we are going to be talking about how to wrap christmas gifts! Before we start please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram @afabulousstyle  and lets get right into this!   And thats all for today! Please comment down below, follow my blog and remember I love you all no matter your race, gender, sexuality, or anything else! - Greta