Chanel Crafters: Christmas Sweaters: Blogmas Day 14
Hey everyone! Greta! And today I am going to be showing you how to make your own tacky christmas sweater! Now this may be the simplest DIY project ever, but "ugly" or "tacky" christmas sweaters have been a huge trend for the past few years, and while I don't want to make anything TOO tacky, it is fun anyways! So I am going to be showing you how to make a tacky one and a cute one! So I hope you enjoy! (PS: follow me on instagram @afabulousstyle )

What you'll need:

What you'll need:
- Felt
- A Plain sweater
- Hot glue
- Some pearls or rinestones
Step one: Cut out a snow flake out of felt
Step two: hot glue it to your sweater
Step three: add rinestones and pearls (just for fun)
What you'll need:
Remember I love you all so much no matter your race, gender, sexuality or anything else!
- GretaTacky
What you'll need:
- A plain sweater
- felt
- ribbon
- christmas bows
- whatever else you want on your sweater
- hot glue
Step one: take your sweater and glue a bunch of stuff to it in any random patterns you would like! There are no restrictions here!
Step two: your done
Remember I love you all so much no matter your race, gender, sexuality or anything else!
so cute!