The Perfect Gifts for Your Friends/Family Who Love Makeup

Hello everyone! My good friend has been talking to me about what she wants for her birthday, so I thought I would show you guys some things to get your friends and family who like makeup for their birthdays or christmas or anything else you celebrate and give gifts for. Now, I am going to organize this into three kinds of makeup lovers: The beginner is just starting and playing around with makeup, the enthusiast is a little more experienced but is still not sure about a lot about makeup, and the addict knows as much as he or she can know about makeup and wakes up every morning because they can do her or his makeup. Anyways, lets just get into it! Please follow my blog and comment down below the best thing to get a friend who loves makeup, and lets get started! Beginner: Like I said, beginners are just starting to play around with makeup, and they may not be super committed to makeup yet. So I would not recommend getting the beginner high end stuff. Don't get me wrong, everyon...