School Makeup Look

Hey my baby angels! It feels like I haven't seen you all in so long! Happy Sunday! So, I often get comments like "how old are you" and stuff like that, so I just wanted to let you know, I like to keep my private information private, however I will reveal to you that I am still in school. It's kind of that time of year right now where everyone is so over school and they kinda just want summer to come already. Its spring, even though we just had snow on the ground a few days ago, but I wanted to post this because school is still a reality. At the beginning of the school year, I made a article called "Every Day Makeup for School" so if you want to check that out heres the link: This is the updated version of that. Anyways, this intro is super long so I'm just going to get into it! Comment down below if you want me to do more school articles, maybe even a whats in my backpack?...