GRWM: First Day of School

Hello everyone! My name is Greta and today I am going to be getting ready for my first day of school, just a warning, sense I start school on a Tuesday and I post on Tuesday and Thursday, I am posting this on Tuesday, which is the day I start school. Anyways, please follow my blog and comment down below what you are wearing or wore on the first day of school! Lets get started! As soon as I wake up I brush my teeth and then... Skincare: I have a pretty simple skincare routine in the morning. I just use my elf facial cleanser to wash my face and then I tone my face with my pixi by petra glow tonic, I like this stuff because its not super harsh on my skin, unlike a lot of toners. Then I will just moisturize with my cake moisturizer, and then, lip balm. Its very simple and easy! Lunch and Breakfast: After I have finished my skincare routine, I will just head downstairs and get some breakfast and lunch. Last night my family made our famous homeade sushi and I made some extra f...