3 Reasons the dress code is ridiculous!
Hey everyone its Captain Couture! and I am going to be telling you now why dress codes just SUCK! They are the stupidest things ever in my opinion and I wish they would just go away! Thankfully I never had to deal with dress codes, but I know of people who do are they are INSANE! Well lets get into it!

1. If boys are "distracted" by the fact a girl is wearing a skirt or crop top THEY should get in trouble! Not the girl! Plus this shows that people think boys can't control themselves which they can! UGGG!
2. Dress codes block freedom of self expression through clothing. The only dress code I can understand is if people are wearing nothingness. That is just unexceptable. But other dress codes are dumb! UGGG!
3. There is nothing wrong with struting your stuff in whatever clothes you feel comfortable in! And the school dress code often takes that away from you. STAND UP TO THE DRESS CODES! TALK TO TEACHERS, PRINCAPALS, PARENTS anyone who will listen and understand and try to change things!
That was all for now! I hope you agreed with some of these and if you did let me know!

1. If boys are "distracted" by the fact a girl is wearing a skirt or crop top THEY should get in trouble! Not the girl! Plus this shows that people think boys can't control themselves which they can! UGGG!
2. Dress codes block freedom of self expression through clothing. The only dress code I can understand is if people are wearing nothingness. That is just unexceptable. But other dress codes are dumb! UGGG!
3. There is nothing wrong with struting your stuff in whatever clothes you feel comfortable in! And the school dress code often takes that away from you. STAND UP TO THE DRESS CODES! TALK TO TEACHERS, PRINCAPALS, PARENTS anyone who will listen and understand and try to change things!
That was all for now! I hope you agreed with some of these and if you did let me know!