Hats: How to Rock Them
Hey there Beautiful! Its Captain Couture! And sense on a blog you usually want to read stuff and my last few articals have been very short, I am going to post more content this weekend! So Today I am going to tell you the best styles of hats, best colors and a look book of how to wear hats and pair them with super cute outfits! So lets get right on into it!

Top 5 Hat Styles to try out:
5. Baseball Caps are super trendy and can fix any bad hair day. Here is an example that you can find on the Forever 21 website! (not sponsered, I just love Forever 21)
Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000094085
4. Straw Hats are super fun for any season of the year!

Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000239285
3. Fedoras are super cute and so on trend right now! Like this super cool looking jewel tone green one I found on the Forever 21 site. I tried looking at Top Shop to switch it up but they have very little options for very expensive!

Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000193984
4. Beanies are best for fall and winter but can work for spring too! They are cozy, comfy and one of the cutest things on the planet! Like this cute one I found at Forever 21 dot com!

Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000194768
1. Sun hats are super cute for pretty much any season! And they come in every color and style possible! I especally love small brimmed sun hats in the fall! This one however has more of a summery feel to it. And yes I know its also straw.

Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000094074
Best Hat Colors According to Season
Spring: Pastels such as pastel pink, green, blue and yellow are super cute for the spring time
Summer: Bright colors and neons
Fall: Jewel Tones and Blacks and Browns
Winter: All colors but mostly beanies!
Look Book

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Subscribe for more, Comment below to let me know what you want to read next and rate this artical! See you later!
- Captain Couture

Top 5 Hat Styles to try out:
5. Baseball Caps are super trendy and can fix any bad hair day. Here is an example that you can find on the Forever 21 website! (not sponsered, I just love Forever 21)

Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000094085
4. Straw Hats are super fun for any season of the year!

Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000239285
3. Fedoras are super cute and so on trend right now! Like this super cool looking jewel tone green one I found on the Forever 21 site. I tried looking at Top Shop to switch it up but they have very little options for very expensive!

Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000193984
4. Beanies are best for fall and winter but can work for spring too! They are cozy, comfy and one of the cutest things on the planet! Like this cute one I found at Forever 21 dot com!

Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000194768
1. Sun hats are super cute for pretty much any season! And they come in every color and style possible! I especally love small brimmed sun hats in the fall! This one however has more of a summery feel to it. And yes I know its also straw.

Link: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/Product/F21/ACC/2000094074
Best Hat Colors According to Season
Spring: Pastels such as pastel pink, green, blue and yellow are super cute for the spring time
Summer: Bright colors and neons
Fall: Jewel Tones and Blacks and Browns
Winter: All colors but mostly beanies!
Look Book

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Subscribe for more, Comment below to let me know what you want to read next and rate this artical! See you later!
- Captain Couture
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