Chanel Crafters: DIY Face Scrubs
Hello my lovelies! In case you have never read my blog, Hi, my name is Greta and you should probably go ahead and subscribe (the button is under the blog title). So I have a on going series called "Chanel Crafters", which is a bunch of DIYs that I either come up with, or find on the internet and want to share. So today I am going to be showing you how to make 2 different face scrubs! So I hope you all enjoy reading!

What You'll Need
1. Coconut Oil
2. Sugar (Brown or White, your choice)
3. Essential Oil of your choice (you could mix multiple scents if you want)
How to make it
Step One: Put Two Large Spoonfuls of Coconut Oil into a jar (or anything else you want to mix it in)
Step Two: Put in the microwave for 25 seconds (or you could melt it over a candle if you want)
Step Three: Put in around 4 large spoonfuls of sugar, or just mix in enough to make the consistecy less liquid and more chunky.
Step Four: Add around 10-20 drops of whatever essential oils you want
Step Five: Mix all together
Step Five: Put lid on container and shake well
Step Six: Transfer into desired storage container
What You'll Need
1. Sugar (White Sugar works best for this one)
2. Olive Oil
3. Honey
4. Essential Oil of your choice (or vanilla or almond or lemon extract)
How to make it
Step One: Scoop a few spoonfuls of sugar into whatever container you decide to mix it in
Step Two: Add a bit of olive oil (be careful not to add to much)
Step Three: Add your essential oil or extract
Step Four: Mix all together
Step Five: Add a tiny splash of honey
Step Six: Mix well with a spoon
Step Seven: Transfer into desired storage container
How to use them
Step One: Dampen face with washcloth or clean hands
Step Two: Apply face scrub to face
Step Four: Wait around 5 minutes
Step Five: Wash off with cold water
Step Six: Use face soap to wash off any excess face scrub
WELL! I hope you all enjoyed reading! Also, um, Happy Valentines Day! Sorry this came so late! Please comment below is you enjoyed making these and if you want to see more! Love you very much!
- Greta

What You'll Need
1. Coconut Oil
2. Sugar (Brown or White, your choice)
3. Essential Oil of your choice (you could mix multiple scents if you want)
How to make it
Step One: Put Two Large Spoonfuls of Coconut Oil into a jar (or anything else you want to mix it in)
Step Two: Put in the microwave for 25 seconds (or you could melt it over a candle if you want)
Step Three: Put in around 4 large spoonfuls of sugar, or just mix in enough to make the consistecy less liquid and more chunky.
Step Four: Add around 10-20 drops of whatever essential oils you want
Step Five: Mix all together
Step Five: Put lid on container and shake well
Step Six: Transfer into desired storage container
What You'll Need
1. Sugar (White Sugar works best for this one)
2. Olive Oil
3. Honey
4. Essential Oil of your choice (or vanilla or almond or lemon extract)
How to make it
Step One: Scoop a few spoonfuls of sugar into whatever container you decide to mix it in
Step Two: Add a bit of olive oil (be careful not to add to much)
Step Three: Add your essential oil or extract
Step Four: Mix all together
Step Five: Add a tiny splash of honey
Step Six: Mix well with a spoon
Step Seven: Transfer into desired storage container
How to use them
Step One: Dampen face with washcloth or clean hands
Step Two: Apply face scrub to face
Step Four: Wait around 5 minutes
Step Five: Wash off with cold water
Step Six: Use face soap to wash off any excess face scrub
WELL! I hope you all enjoyed reading! Also, um, Happy Valentines Day! Sorry this came so late! Please comment below is you enjoyed making these and if you want to see more! Love you very much!
- Greta