How To Get Your Life Together ♡
Hey everyone! My name is Greta and honestly, I know how hard it is when your life is disorganized. When you're dehydrated all the time, you never get stuff done on time, your rooms a mess, its all very stressful, so sense its offically 2020 I thought I would tell you all how I get my stuff together and how you can too! So please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram @afabulousstyle and lets just get started!

Apps: I know it sounds really stupid to say apps will help you get your life together, but they really honestly helped me a lot! So I want to talk to you about a few planning apps for your phone!
Done: Done is a goal tracking app that is SO incredibly simple and easy to set up and use! All you do is add your goals and how often you want to achieve them, I use this app for goals like "8 glasses of water a day" and "3 times a week working out" and its so helpful! Once the goal is set up you just click it every time you get one of those sections done, so every time you drink a glass of water or you work out you click it once and it will say something like "1/3 completed today" and so on. Its going to be so helpful and motivational, and they'll send you notifications to remind you to complete those goals, so I would recommend downloading the free app, "done" for a better planning situation.
Flawless: The second app I want to talk to you guys about is called Flawless, and its a skincare routine tracker app. I always underestimate how important taking care of my skin really is until I'm breaking out and having dry spots. So if you set up an account you just put in your routine into the app and they will send you notifications to remind you to complete all of your skincare steps for the day. Then its a simple check list format and they will keep track of how you're doing on your skincare and they have charts and graphs and everything. There is another app like this that works just as well and its called Shelfie, both of them are free skincare planner apps and I would seriously recommend you get one!
Physical Organization: Organizing your room is one of the most important steps to getting everything together, for me at least, my mind is rarely organized if my room is not, so I'm going to be talking about how to physically organize your life!
Deep Clean Everything: Just spend one weekend of your life at home organizing and decluttering and deep cleaning everything in your room! I actually wrote a whole article on that, so you can probably find "how to deep clean your room" up on my blog if you use the search bar.
Organizing: A huge tip I have for room organization is put things in bins, that way everything is still organized and clean and you can find everything, but its not a spacific placement thing where you HAVE to get everything exactly in the right place where it belongs! You could label bins using things like "electronics" or "books" or even "random" whatever you want to do! Whats important though is that you are still organizing in a way that really makes sense to you, because YOU are the one living in your room!
Declutter: You probably don't need everything you have in your room, so I would recommend going through everything you own and just donate, sell and throw away EVERYTHING that doesn't make you happy or you don't need. I would recommend donating whatever you can because you are more fortunate then you know and some people don't have what you have.
Physical Health: A huge part of getting yourself together is getting in shape, now you DO NOT need to loose weight, you should not try to "get into shape" by not eating or other unhealthy methods, what I am about to talk about is some ways to FEEL physically better and keep physically healthy (notice I am not saying skinny or words of that sort, I am saying healthy because you are beautiful and perfect no matter what you look like, this is just for health)
Eating: Eating is essential, we all need to do it every day to be healthy. One way I like to feel physically better about myself and more in shape is taking vegan or vegetarian meals. Not only do these help the planet they are also often healthier. Another thing to do is make sure you have a fresh fruit or veggie every single meal, which is also something I try to do.
Meal Planning: If you're still in school I would recommend packing a lunch the night before every day because you need to have food during the day, and school lunches are often very unhealthy and leave you feeling kind of icky. So make sure you have some fruit and veggies in your lunch and pack it in advance so you aren't rushing to get it together in the morning!
Exercise: The biggest tip I have for exercising is doing things that make you happy. I LOVE taking walks with my dog every day around my neighborhood, some people like playing sports, and some people prefer the actual gym! It all depends on what you like. Never push yourself too much, but try to get a little exercise in whenever you get the chance, it will help a lot.
Hydration: I hear people all the time saying that they love drinking smoothies and such, and smoothies and such are amazing and wonderful and I am so glad they make you happy, but other drinks just will not have the same effect as water. Not saying you need to cut out other drinks, but make sure when you are ordering another drink you also get a water and really make sure you're getting at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day because it will help with your health and your skin and your ability to stay awake during the day, it just has so many benefits its incredible.
Random Topics: In this next section I am going to be talking about random things that are super helpful to know when getting your life together!
Skincare: Its so incredibly important to take care of your skin, to not overdo skincare but still moisturize and tone and so on. I have a ton more articles on skincare, so you can check those out if you search what you're looking for using my search bar.
Music: Music can be so powerful in changing your mood, being a music lover myself I have a playlist on my phone of just music that makes me feel happy, its called "daily vibes" and I love it. Take some time to create a happy playlist for yourself, call it whatever you want and listen to it whenever you need a pick me up.
Friends and family: When I am really anxious I have a tendancy to lock myself up in my room and not talk to other people, not interact with anyone else, which is not a positive thing. Don't push it too much and allow yourself to relax but make sure you are also spending some time with your friends and family, and interacting with other human beings!
And thats all for now! I really hope this was helpful because this article took me so long to write! Please comment down below, follow my blog, and remember you are so perfect and amazing and wonderful no matter your race, gender, sexuality, sex, size, shape, religon, or anything else, I love you all so much!
- Greta

Apps: I know it sounds really stupid to say apps will help you get your life together, but they really honestly helped me a lot! So I want to talk to you about a few planning apps for your phone!
Done: Done is a goal tracking app that is SO incredibly simple and easy to set up and use! All you do is add your goals and how often you want to achieve them, I use this app for goals like "8 glasses of water a day" and "3 times a week working out" and its so helpful! Once the goal is set up you just click it every time you get one of those sections done, so every time you drink a glass of water or you work out you click it once and it will say something like "1/3 completed today" and so on. Its going to be so helpful and motivational, and they'll send you notifications to remind you to complete those goals, so I would recommend downloading the free app, "done" for a better planning situation.
Flawless: The second app I want to talk to you guys about is called Flawless, and its a skincare routine tracker app. I always underestimate how important taking care of my skin really is until I'm breaking out and having dry spots. So if you set up an account you just put in your routine into the app and they will send you notifications to remind you to complete all of your skincare steps for the day. Then its a simple check list format and they will keep track of how you're doing on your skincare and they have charts and graphs and everything. There is another app like this that works just as well and its called Shelfie, both of them are free skincare planner apps and I would seriously recommend you get one!
Physical Organization: Organizing your room is one of the most important steps to getting everything together, for me at least, my mind is rarely organized if my room is not, so I'm going to be talking about how to physically organize your life!
Deep Clean Everything: Just spend one weekend of your life at home organizing and decluttering and deep cleaning everything in your room! I actually wrote a whole article on that, so you can probably find "how to deep clean your room" up on my blog if you use the search bar.
Organizing: A huge tip I have for room organization is put things in bins, that way everything is still organized and clean and you can find everything, but its not a spacific placement thing where you HAVE to get everything exactly in the right place where it belongs! You could label bins using things like "electronics" or "books" or even "random" whatever you want to do! Whats important though is that you are still organizing in a way that really makes sense to you, because YOU are the one living in your room!
Declutter: You probably don't need everything you have in your room, so I would recommend going through everything you own and just donate, sell and throw away EVERYTHING that doesn't make you happy or you don't need. I would recommend donating whatever you can because you are more fortunate then you know and some people don't have what you have.
Physical Health: A huge part of getting yourself together is getting in shape, now you DO NOT need to loose weight, you should not try to "get into shape" by not eating or other unhealthy methods, what I am about to talk about is some ways to FEEL physically better and keep physically healthy (notice I am not saying skinny or words of that sort, I am saying healthy because you are beautiful and perfect no matter what you look like, this is just for health)
Eating: Eating is essential, we all need to do it every day to be healthy. One way I like to feel physically better about myself and more in shape is taking vegan or vegetarian meals. Not only do these help the planet they are also often healthier. Another thing to do is make sure you have a fresh fruit or veggie every single meal, which is also something I try to do.
Meal Planning: If you're still in school I would recommend packing a lunch the night before every day because you need to have food during the day, and school lunches are often very unhealthy and leave you feeling kind of icky. So make sure you have some fruit and veggies in your lunch and pack it in advance so you aren't rushing to get it together in the morning!
Exercise: The biggest tip I have for exercising is doing things that make you happy. I LOVE taking walks with my dog every day around my neighborhood, some people like playing sports, and some people prefer the actual gym! It all depends on what you like. Never push yourself too much, but try to get a little exercise in whenever you get the chance, it will help a lot.
Hydration: I hear people all the time saying that they love drinking smoothies and such, and smoothies and such are amazing and wonderful and I am so glad they make you happy, but other drinks just will not have the same effect as water. Not saying you need to cut out other drinks, but make sure when you are ordering another drink you also get a water and really make sure you're getting at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day because it will help with your health and your skin and your ability to stay awake during the day, it just has so many benefits its incredible.
Random Topics: In this next section I am going to be talking about random things that are super helpful to know when getting your life together!
Skincare: Its so incredibly important to take care of your skin, to not overdo skincare but still moisturize and tone and so on. I have a ton more articles on skincare, so you can check those out if you search what you're looking for using my search bar.
Music: Music can be so powerful in changing your mood, being a music lover myself I have a playlist on my phone of just music that makes me feel happy, its called "daily vibes" and I love it. Take some time to create a happy playlist for yourself, call it whatever you want and listen to it whenever you need a pick me up.
Friends and family: When I am really anxious I have a tendancy to lock myself up in my room and not talk to other people, not interact with anyone else, which is not a positive thing. Don't push it too much and allow yourself to relax but make sure you are also spending some time with your friends and family, and interacting with other human beings!
And thats all for now! I really hope this was helpful because this article took me so long to write! Please comment down below, follow my blog, and remember you are so perfect and amazing and wonderful no matter your race, gender, sexuality, sex, size, shape, religon, or anything else, I love you all so much!
- Greta
omg this was actually so helpful!
ReplyDeletei aspire to be as organized as you