Whats In My Bag: Play Rehearsal ♡
Hey everyone! My name is greta and today we are going to be talking about whats in my play rehearsal bag because right now I am playing the scarecrow in an adaptation of the wizard of oz! So please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram @afabulousstyle and lets get started!

- Waterbottle
- Script
- Snack (I usually go with a cereal bar or something like that)
- EOS chapstick
- Scrunchies (to tie back my hair)
- My fake airpods (when I’m not in the scene they let me listen to music)
- Sweatshirt (If I’m not wearing one already)
- Period stuff
And thats all for now! Please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram and remember I love you all so much no matter your race, gender, sexuality, or anything else!
- Greta
i love ur blog