Before The End Of High School Bucket List
Hey everyone! My name is Greta and I am a typical high school student, and there is a lot of things that I really want to do before I leave high school so here is my high school bucket list! So follow my blog, follow me on instagram @the_darling_dearest and lets get started! (PS My comment section still is not working I'm so sorry!)

1. I want to dress up for school football games and take cute pictures with my friends! And I mean dress up according to the theme of the game with face paint and everything! OH and I really want to do that thing on vsco where you wear shorts and paint your legs according to the theme, it sounds really weird when I am trying to explain it but here are some pictures to help explain what I mean:

2. I want to try a sport. Anyone who knows me is well aware that I am not a sports person what so ever, but I want to try a sport at my school just for fun! I want to spend my highschool experiences trying new things, so I want to try a sport before I graduate highschool.

3. I want to make a time capsule and bury it in my backyard and years later I want to get together with all of my friends and open it and remember a bunch of memories from years gone by!

4. I want to get together with all of my friends and have a potluck picnic because I love food and I love my friends! I just love this idea for a nice spring or summer day you know?

5. I want to take a billion polariod pictures and have them all for the future of my friends and family and fun things we did together and the memories we made, and I want to have a whole wall of my room dedicated to polariods so I can look at the wall and see all of the memories I've made with the people I love.

6. I want to get all A's and B's because high school is technically meant to teach you and I want to do well in all my classes!

7. I want to audition for my schools a capella group because I know and love the people in it so much and i think it would be a really cool oppertunity because they are all great and very talented! So thats the final thing I want to do before I leave highschool!
Thats all for now! Please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram and remember I love you al so so so so so SO much no matter your race, gender, sexuality, or anything else!
- Greta
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