March Favorites 2020
Hey everyone! My name is Greta and today we are going to be talking about my march favorites for 2020 because I miss when these kinds of videos were popular on youtube, basically I miss 2015-20167lifestyle youtube videos from niki and gabi, mylifeaseva, mamamiamakeup, bethany mota, merideth foster and alisha marie! Also I have been obsessed with these things recently so we are going to talk about them! Please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram @afabulousstyle and lets get started!

beauty/skincare/makeup favorites:
And thats all for today! I love you all so so SO much no matter your race, gender, sexuality, or anything else!
beauty/skincare/makeup favorites:
- I have been completely obsessed with using coconut oil for my hair, because the bottom of my hair is always really dry and dehydrated, and people always told me to use coconut oil but I always thought it was overrated, but seriously guys it works.
- My friend Allie (shes also a blogger but her account got suspended so she hasn't been able to post for a while) and I exchanged "bored boxes" which are basically boxes of stuff to do while we are in quarantine, and one of the things she gave me has turned into my new favorite lotion ever, and thats the "beautiful day" lotion from bath and body works. Seriously its so moisturizing and it smells so good.
- This is not really a new favorite but I wanted to talk about it because its my all time favorite body spray. Like before I discovered this body spray I kinda bought a new bottle of body spray every time, but this one is my go to, I literally wear it every single day and its the "at the beach" body spray from bath and body works. Seriously I love it so much because it smells like coconut and the beach and UGH it smells so good.
- You guys I literally struggle with acne so much in my life and these pimple patches from spa life have literally changed my acne so much! They're called "hydocolliod pimple patches" and they are another gift from Allie, they come in stars and hearts and shapes and its so cute and I love them. What I do is a put on my acne cream and then I put these over them so my skin really absorbs the acne cream and the acne cream doesn't come off while I'm asleep.
- I try a lot of different mascaras and this month I have been using the wet n wild mega volume mascara, and I really love it! It layers very well and doesn't clump easily and I love it!
- Like every other basic highschool teenaged girl I love mario badescu, and I have tried the cucumber and lavender facial sprays, but I had never tried the rosewater one, but then my friend Allie gave me a mini version of it and guys... I AM OBSESSED! It is so refeshing and really helps my dry skin stay refreshed through out the day!
fashion favorites:
- You guys I know I love doing anything to help save the enviornment, and I have been loving bracelets recently so I have been wearing my 4 ocean bracelet every day! Basically this group of totally amazing enviornmentalists take plastic being thrown in the ocean and make it into bracelets! They are so cute and I love mine so much, plus you're helping the enviornment!
- Back on the bracelets topic, I don't know if any of you guys knew this but I love to make friendship bracelets! I learned when I was really little at camp and I've loved it ever sense so recently I have been making a ton of my own bracelets.
- I don't know if you guys are aware of this, but I literally am in love with my Birkenstocks. I have like 4 pairs and they are so perfect to wear anywhere any time and I just adore them so much! Recently I have been wearing my black birks a lot recently because they go with everything and sense its getting closer and closer to summer I am SO ready!
- Another pair of basic shoes I have been loving this march is my black high top converse which, yes I know everyone and their mother has them but they're so classic and timeless and I love them so much!
- So I cut my bangs around a month ago because I needed a change in my life and I felt like that was a smart way to cope with my mental health issues, spoiler alert, it wasn't and even though I adore my bangs I have no idea how to control them, because I will take a shower at night and brush them down like normal bangs, and then I'll wake up in the morning and look like an exotic bird! Let me know if you have any tips for that guys btw! But anyways, because of my bangs behavior issues I have been wearing a ton of headbands recently, and I have been loving my lululemon headbands, I have one thats bigger and floral and then one thats skinner and black, so I have been obsessed with those this month!
song favorites:
- YOUTH (troy sivan)
- Post Malone (RANI, Sam Feldt)
- Summer On You (PRETTYMUCH)
other favorites:
- This is really random but I have just been using mason jars for everything recently, I use the big ones to drink water and iced tea and lemonade out of and I use them for storage, they're just so helpful over all and I've always loved mason jars but recently I have been actually using them a lot more. I actually just took a break from typing to drink from my mason jar of water lol.
- I am not a book person, I hate reading UNLESS I'm reading something I really like, so recently I have been re reading "mylifeaseva the struggle is real" by Eva Gutowski (she is one of my favorite youtubers of all time, I'm actually watching her while writing this article) because I feel like it has a lot of valuable life lessons and its really funny and interesting to read!
- You guys who have read my older articles know that I do this thing where I will fill a jar with coffee beans and then smell it in the morning to wake me up, which yes, actually works because the caffiene is still entering your body! So I have been loving that recently so I can just get up and get started with my day asap!
- Okay call me a grandma/mom all you want, but I love the good housekeeping magazines because they have some really good recipes and organization tips! Plus they have some really aesthetic pictures that I like to cut out and put on my photo wall next to my bed to inspire me!
And thats all for today! I love you all so so SO much no matter your race, gender, sexuality, or anything else!
- Greta
Guys I am so so so sorry the comment section isn't working! If you want to contact me, do it on instagram because I have gotten a ton of dms from people saying that commenting on here is not working!