100 Things To Do When You're Bored In Quarantine ♡
Hey guys my name is Greta and welcome back to the darling dearest! I am in quarantine right now due to the corona virus, and it can get super boring to be at home all day, so here is 100 things to do when you're bored and in quarantine! My comment section has not been working on my blog recently so I am so so so sorry but if you still want to talk to me dm me or comment on my posts on instagram, make sure to follow me there @the_darling_dearest and follow my blog! Now lets get right into the article!

- Start a blog
- Make new playlists
- Listen to music that reminds you of your childhood
- Have a photoshoot with your family
- Do a work out video
- Do a face mask
- DIY your clothes
- Make a bucket list
- Take a bath
- Cook something new
- Learn tik tok dances
- Watch vine compilations
- Play animal jam or the new club penguin
- Learn how to tie dye
- Facetime a friend
- Make a slideshow
- Find pictures you want to recreate
- Go through your clothes and donate them
- Take out the trash
- Do your laundry
- Try pregnancy cravings
- Take a nap
- Start a new netflix series
- Have a nerf war with your brother/sister
- Try a new hairstyle
- Watch disney movies
- Cover one of your walls with pictures
- Prank your family
- Ghost hunt
- Do your school work/homework
- Practice notetaking so you have super cute notes when school starts again
- Wipe down all surfaces in your room
- Start a youtube channel
- Try a new makeup look
- Online shop
- Make online friends
- Get dressed up in your most formal outfit
- Dress up in your parents old clothes (if they let you)
- Learn how to sew
- Learn how to embroider
- Learn how to knit
- Learn how to make friendship bracelets
- Write letters
- Paint something
- Do kareoke
- Have an award ceremony in your room
- Practice your acceptance speech for an award
- Watch all of the harry potter movies
- Look through old photo albums
- Come up with a dance
- Pretend you're in a dramatic movie
- Talk to your old stuffed animals
- Read a book
- Write a book
- Start a journal
- Make a list of things to buy when you get rich and famous
- Do your nails
- Master photo poses
- Design a clothing line
- Come up with outfit ideas to wear when you're out of quarantine
- Recreate a music video
- Hype up all your best friends instagram posts
- Redecorate your room
- Join a fanbase
- Plan a party for after quarantine
- Do an instagram story game
- If its sunny, go outside and tan
- Drive nowhere
- Start a finsta and post random pictures on it
- Cuddle with your dog or cat or bunny
- Take cute pictures of/with your dog or cat or bunny
- Make slime
- Read your horoscope
- Start a bullet journal
- Decorate your planner
- Make random plans for the week
- Mediate
- Do yoga
- Curl your hair
- Read teen magazines
- Write a song
- Watch youtubers you loved watching as a kid
- Clean your house
- Learn the cup song
- Learn another language
- Make a list of things to do once you're out of quarantine
- Do the dishes
- Teach yourself how to fake cry
- Make playlists of youtube videos for every occasion
- Learn conspiracy theories
- Call your relatives
- Make family tik toks
- Sing christmas songs (They make me happy)
- Become a makeup artist
- Make an instagram account where you post your outfits
- Make an instagram for your dog
- Preform a full broadway musical
- Crop old tee shirts
- Come up with your own conspiracy theories
- Watch "what to do when you're bored" videos on youtube (I recommend Kalista Elaine)
And thats all for now! Please comment down below, follow my blog, follow me on instagram and remember I love you all so much no matter your race, gender, sexuality, sex,or anything else!
- Greta
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