Bright Colors vs Nudes; which is better?
Hello everyone! Its Captain Couture! And today we are going to be talking about (drum roll please)...

BRIGHT COLORS vs NUDES which are better? I am going to be talking about which ones I like better and the goods and bads of both of them. I will talk about mixing nudes and bright colors and more! Enjoy!

Bright Colors
What defines bright colors- Of course there are many shades of many colors but bright is the step in between jewel tones and neons. Its right in the middle.
Good things about bright colors-
1. They stand out
2. They show a persons personal style
3. They can Express how the person wearing them is feeling
Not so good things about bright colors-
1. They sometimes draw too much attention
2. They are hard to mix
3. They are sometimes just too much
What defines nudes- nudes are colors like the nudes picture above. They are skin tone or even lighter then pastels. Nudes are not to be mistaken for in between colors such as black, brown, white and grey. They are diffrent!
Good things about nudes-
1.They can look super cute for almost any item of clothing
2. They are super cute in makeup and nail polish
3. They can draw good attention to your outfit when you wear them with a brightly colored statement necklace
Not so good things about nudes-
1. If you do not wear the right shades for your skin tone people will think you actually ahev nothing on which is NOT what nudes are about
2. They are often hard to mix
3. They sometimes blend in with beach sand
Well That was it for now! See you very very soon!
- Captain Couture
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