How to Apply Makeup: For Beginners

Hello my beautiful angels! Today I am going to be showing you how to apply makeup, as a beginner. Now this is kinda a part 2 of my "a beginners makeup kit essentials" because after I did that I got a lot of comments saying things like "okay, now please teach us how to use this makeup" so today I am going to be showing you how to apply all the products I mentioned in that article. Comment below if this helped at all but remember, keep your name a secret, to keep the mystery mysterious. So I hope you enjoy reading!
This is the link for "the beginners makeup kit essentials"

1. BB cream or tinted moisturizer: to apply BB cream, or tinted moisturizer simply put little dots of the product all over your face, then blend in with a brush, makeup sponge or clean fingers.

2. Concealer: it depends on the applicator your concealer comes with. If its a concealer in a tub, then apply it under the eyes and to any problem spots or acne scars on your face, BUT if it already comes with an applicator brush, just apply it using that and blend with a brush, a makeup sponge or clean fingers.

3. Powder: Now lots of powders come with little circle applicators, so you can use those if you want, but I prefer to use a powder brush. I would not recommend you bake your face as a beginner, because it can mae your face look cakey. If you don't know what baking your face is, thats okay, I would not recommend beginners try it. Its best to bake when you have some experience.

4. Blush: For a powder based blush, apply and blend with a brush, for a cream base blush or cheek stain, apply with fingers and blend either with your fingers or a clean sponge. I guess you could technically use a brush to use a cream or liquid blush, its just not a good idea in my opinion.

5. Highlighter: Now, when your a beginner, I would recommend wearing a less noticable highlighter. Apply with with clean fingers, or a brush for powder highlighter, or for cream or liquid highlighter (my personal preference), apply with your fingers and blend with fingers, a sponge or a brush.

6. Nude Eyeshadow: As a beginner, NEVER go for colorful eyeshadows. Nude eyeshadows are the only way to go! Start by applying some concealer to your eyelids to hide any sort of viens or anything and to make your eyeshadows last. I personally prefer creme eyshadows as a base, but you can do what works for you. Start with a color that is almost your skin tone, if not lighter, and apply that all over your lid. Then, apply a slightly darker shade in the crease of your eyelid and blend those out. Add a shimmery eyeshadow in the inner corner to make your eyes look more alive. For most of the eyeshadow, I would go with mattes, but its up to you. Always use a sparkly eyeshadow in the inner corner though. If you are not comfortable wearing eyeshadow yet, or if your afriad of not blending enough, there is no reason you should have to wear them.

7. Mascara: To apply mascara, keep your eyes open and use the applicator brush to apply to your lashes. I am not quite suer how to explain it, but heres a video:

8. Any lip product of your choice: I prefer lipgloss, but wear whatever you want. Just apply to your lips, I would not recommend wearing lip liner as a beginner. Its pretty simple! 

Thats all for now! I really hope you enjoyed reading, I just wanted to say, if you really love makeup, I don't care if your a guy, a girl a unicorn, or something in between. Please remember that I love you and your are beautiful no matter what they say! 

- Greta


  1. *Opens email account*

  2. Je vous remercie beaucoup cette fo, il est si helpfuk pour les débutants nous

  3. Can you please please please please do a guide to contouring fro beginners?

  4. Love the new design!

  5. I'm a guy who loves to wear makeup, so deal with it world!

    1. You go! I don't care who the heck you are, if you love makeup, wear it all you want! DESTROY THE STEROTYPES!

  6. I was here sense the beginning!

  7. i was here sense she called her self captian cuture


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