Why I've Been Gone...
Hey guys its Greta! I'm so so sorry I just kind of disapeered off this blog and my instagram, I announced it in an instagram story, but I never announced it on here really. I want to come on here and talk about why I've been gone.

You guys know that I have been blogging for around 3 years now, but these past few months I have been gone from this blog and my blog instagram. To be honest its been because of mental health reasons. I had someone who I loved in my life very much for around 8 months, and then he left, which put me into a pretty deep depressive state, furthered my anxiety and just made everything 10 times more difficult, and I didn't feel like I was up for blogging.
After a month he came back and told me he missed me and just yesterday he left again. I am so incredibly hurt and my depression and anxiety only really got a little better, but I want to start using my blog as a way to cope and something worth while to put my energy into, rather then a pressured into posting type thing.
So yes, I am offically back to blogging, but I am only going to be posting on Saturdays from now on, and please don't get mad if I don't post every saturday, I am dealing with things! So thank you so much for taking the time to hear me out, and read what I have to say!
I love you all so so so much no matter your race, gender, sexuality, sex, or anything else!
- Greta
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