What is our personal style? quiz

Question One- if you are shopping at the mall witch store strikes the most attention in your eyes.

A) Forever 21. They are always up on the latest trends

B) Urban Outfitters. They have a rebelious feel in the store.

C) PINK. I need a 13th pink sweater

Question 2- witch makeup look do you prefer?

A) A natural look with shiny lipgloss

B) A smoky eye

C) I don't even know where to begin! Lets just say I have used every makeup product out there. Ever...

Question 3- Whats the most dominate color in your closet?

A) Do not have one. Rainbow!

B) Mostly warm tones.

C)  mostly purple and pink... sweaters...

Question 4- What is your favorite fashion themed show?

A) Americas next top model, americas next top designer, and the wheel of fashion on youtube!

B) don't really watch shows like that

C) makeup gurus on youtube

Question 5- What color is your room? (seems like a strange question. I know)

A) a bright pink!

B) a deep blue

C) white.


Mostly A's- you are a girl who likes bright colors and likes to keep on trend! You enjoy getting up every morning to put on a outfit and you are almost always ready to try something new with your style! (this is me)

Mostly B's- you are a girl who likes usually blues and reds, warm and cool tones and fangirl t shits. your style is amazing and anyone who knows you cares about you! You seem rough around the edges because you have a bit of a edgy style but you are a great person!

Mostly C's- you are a girl who spends a few minutes picking out a outfit but loves makeup more then anything. you have most likely been called cake face at least once but you are proud of who you are! And you should be!

Please note this is not meant to display that these are the only styles of there. There are many other kinds of style out there and they are just as amazing but I cant include all of them!

Well I hope you enjoyed that quiz!

- Captain Couture
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