The Holly Jolly Tag

I know that tags are an old trend, but lets just say I like to be a bit more vintage. Hello everyone! My name is Greta and today I am going to be doing the holly jolly tag for christmas! So in case you don't know how this tag works, basically I answer a bunch of questions about christmas! Please follow my blog and comment down below your favorite one of these questions and your answer to it! 

Image result for pink holly

Whats Your Favorite Christmas Movie?
My Favorite christmas movie ever has to be The Nightmare Before Christmas because you can watch it at halloween and at christmas, and also, its just such a great movie with such a great soundtrack, but my second fave has to be Elf!

Are you on the Naughty list or the Nice list?
Nice list but I honestly kinda don't think there are many people on the naughty list, everyone has some good in them!

Show us an embarrassing Christmas photo?
Um... I don't show pics of myself

Have you ever had a white Christmas?
I actually have a lot of times, I live in a place where it snows on Halloween, and keeps snowing from there

Do you start shopping for christmas on black Friday or last minute?
I actually start my christmas shopping way before black Friday so...

If you could be in any Christmas movie what would it be?
Um.... miracle on 34th street

Name all of Santa’s reindeer
Easy, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Roudolph

When does your family put up your Christmas tree and who decorates it?
When we come home from wherever we travel for thanksgiving that year and everyone in my family decorates together

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Real, every year

Peeking at gifts or be surprised? 
As much as I hate suprises, I never peek at my gifts. 

Show us your ugly Christmas sweater if you have one.
Insert picture of ugly xmas sweater

Does your family have a special holiday recipe you like to help make?
Yes, we make peppernuts every year and I love it!

Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?
It depends. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
Every year

What tops your tree? 
A star

Do you make New Years Resolutions? Do you stick to them?
Yes and I try

You have been granted one Christmas wish…what will it be?
The end of all bad things in the world and peace on earth

Do you experience the magic of Christmas?
Yes, yes I do

What you like the most Christmas day or a New Year?
Christmas day for sure, new years is great, but christmas is better

Do you wake up early in the morning on Christmas?
Yes, definatly

What makes the Christmas holidays special for you?
Giving to family, friends, and charity in order to give back. I love everything about christmas, the music, the lights, the food, everything is so magical, and its a time when we celebrate the birth of christ, which is an amazing thing in my opinion. I love christmas so much!
At what time does the Magic of Christmas starts ringing to you?
November first. I get into the holiday spirit really really really early. I love it so much and I want christmas to last as long as possible!

Birthdays or Christmas?
Christmas, cause then everyone gives and gets gifts and its really fun. Plus you don't usually decorate your room for the month around your birthday!

What do you think Christmas really means?
Joy to all people no matter your race, gender, sexuality, or anything else! Its a celebration of friends, family, and the birth of Jesus Christ.

Do you believe in the religious aspects of Christmas or it’s just a mere holiday people made to have fun with family?
Religous Aspects

Describe your Christmas in one word.
Magically-happy-with-lots-of-love yup. Thats one word.

How has Christmas changed to you during the course of time?
Well when I was little I got super excited when it was christmas, I loved everything about it, and I still do so not much has changed. The only difference is in my wishlists, I used to wish for all toys, and now I have a ton of makeup on my list and like three other things.

How much do you love the idea of Christmas?

J'aime tellement l'idée de Noël que parfois je sens que je pourrais éclater (that means i love the idea of christmas so much sometimes I feel like I could burst)

Do you open any gifts on christmas eve?
Nope, all on christmas day. Including the stockings!
Are you good at wrapping presents?
I am not the worst, but I am not the best at wrapping...

Well I hope you all enjoyed! I love you all very much and hope you have a happy holiday season no matter your race, gender, sexuality, or anything else!
- Greta


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