10 Outfit Ideas for School

Hi everyone! My name is Greta! So, I was watching Kalista Elaine and she did a bunch of 20+ outfit ideas for school videos, and I thought, hey, thats kind of a good idea. SO! I went through my closet and came up with 10 outfit ideas for school, took pictures of each of them, and now, I am going to share them with you guys! Please comment down below your favorite of the outfits and follow my blog and lets get started! (BTW I wanted to give a huge shout out to gabidemarismymother, he or she or they won the contest I had for a shout out! I love you girl or boy or somewhere in between! And those were 10 outfit ideas for school! I don't know about you guys, but that got me pretty inspired for back to school wardrobe! I know I will for sure be wearing some of these outfits. Anyways, comment down below, follow my blog and I hope you enjoyed reading! I love you no matter your race, sexuality, gender, shape, size, place of birth, religon, or anything else! - Greta