Some New Makeup!

Hello my angels! Today I am going to be telling you abut my most recent beauty purchases cause I am a makeup addict, so I love increasing my makeup collection, even though I don't have much money to spend on makeup! Comment down below your most recent makeup purchase! I really hope you enjoy reading! LA Colors Concealer: You all know I am completely obsessed with many of my products from LA colors, so when I saw they made concealers, I had to try one! This concealer is not the most full coverage thing I have ever tried, but its not bad either, I actually like it. It has pretty good staying power, and it always lasts all day. This is a really good concealer, for someone who gets enough sleep at night and doesn't have giant under eye bags! Elf Clear Brow Gel and Clear Mascara Duo: Thats a pretty long name for something, anyways, I have wanted to try this product for a long time and then I went to Forever 21 and it turns out, they sell elf makeup there now! I found this and...